Authentication and security

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Authentication and security

Authentication and security concerns mechanisms that attempt to prevent unwanted access to systems and the data they transmit or store on other systems. Security continues to be an ever-present concern for mobile and Internet of Things technologies. Two main categories of cybercrime exist with respect to mobile and other information and communication technologies: technology-as-a-target (TaaT) and technology-as-an-instrument (TaaI). Mobile and IoT technologies continue to exhibit vulnerabilities that make them targets for TaaT attacks. Mobile and IoT technologies also continue to serve as instruments in TaaI attacks having various objectives, including the exposure of private and valuable information.

The NBCC Mobile First Technology initiative (MFTi) monitors issues and technical developments relating to authentication and security of mobile devices, mobile software systems, and IoT technologies.


Research topics

IoT cross contamination, malicious mobile apps, mobile platform vulnerabilities, mobile standards, mobile virtual private networks (mVPN)


Android, BlackBerry, iOS