Mobile software engineering

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Mobile software engineering

Mobile software systems are now among the most important targets for software development, whether for product development or projects within the enterprise. Mobile-specific software engineering processes are warranted for two major reasons:

  • Unique software engineering challenges: Mobile platforms present software engineering teams with unique challenges relative to other types of targets, such as desktop software.
  • Brittle relationships between users and mobile apps: The burden of responsibility on the software engineering team for producing and implementing good designs is arguably higher in certain ways than it is for other types of targets because the relationship between a user and a mobile app is more brittle than it has been with desktop software.

The NBCC Mobile First Technology initiative (MFTi) is interested in identifying critical issues in the engineering of software for mobile systems, commonly referred to as mobile apps. We are interested in identifying or developing software engineering principles and methods, and design heuristics that best-support the development of mobile software systems.



Research topics

Agile/SCRUM, accessibility, cross platform development, requirements analysis, software life cycle, software engineering, systems analysis, testing, usability